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Physio & Pilates

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Who I Am

I’m Killi, a Pilates teacher and Community Physiotherapist with over 10 years of experience. Working for the NHS for many years has provided me with the opportunity to assess and treat people with a wide variety of conditions and rehabilitation needs. These have included: neuroIogical, respiratory, cardiac, dizziness and vertigo (vestibular), mental health, trauma and orthopaedic, musculoskeletal and frailty and falls. 

I am a holistic therapist with a keen interest in falls prevention and balance work and am a qualified Otago Strength and Balance Exercise Programme teacher. I also have a special interest in Vestibular Conditions and Rehabilitation and am a member of the Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Vestibular Rehabilitation. I currently work part time for the NHS offering Vestibular Rehabilitation.

I am passionate about Pilates because it has helped me so much. This has led me to become a certified Australian Physio and Pilates Instructor (APPI) and set up my own classes to help others.

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